HugoDataAnalyst / Psyduck

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Rocketmad style heatmaps from data #2

Open jfberry opened 1 month ago

jfberry commented 1 month ago


HugoDataAnalyst commented 1 month ago

I'm confused what's the issue? :P

jfberry commented 1 month ago

Issue is suggestion

HugoDataAnalyst commented 1 month ago

Issue is suggestion

I honestly don't recall those heatmaps anymore. But I was thinking about storing data for heatmaps of any pokes but for 100s 0s and top pvp only. Could do it for every pokemon as an option on daily/weekly/monthly and then you can build those. Is that it?

jfberry commented 1 month ago

It was more for as thought provocation. I used to enjoy playing with these, but to do reasonably requires some thought about an optimised dataset.

HugoDataAnalyst commented 1 month ago

It was more for as thought provocation. I used to enjoy playing with these, but to do reasonably requires some thought about an optimised dataset.

Oh for sure. I already got a nice list of things I wanna rebuild and redo in Psyduck. This is my first project for Data Storage and serving into an API. But if anyone wanted to do add that it would be fairly simple to be honest with the current data it already has because of the table pokemon_sightings already containing all of the info necessary to to at least create a "pilot".

HugoDataAnalyst commented 1 month ago

I'll give that some thought whenever I have some free time. I don't think anyone uses Psyduck anyway aside from me and maybe 2 more people x'D I'm currently going through some heavy shit in life and a lot of work along with it. Thank you for the suggestion non the less <3