HugoFara / lwt

Learn languages by reading! A language learning app stemmed from Learning with Texts (LWT).
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Fix 52: tests only include sentences with no unknown terms. #53

Closed jzohrab closed 2 years ago

jzohrab commented 2 years ago

Addresses issue #52 .

I believe that the subquery is correct -- it works with my local test data. @HugoFara , can you verify? (The Ti2WordCount is checked for non-zero because it appears that it is zero for things like spaces, punctuation, etc).

HugoFara commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the pull request! As explained in #52 , it would really limit the number of testable sentences. So instead of using sentence were you understand all words, I selected "meaningful" sentences with 70% of known words. Enjoy!