HugoGranstrom / nimiSlides

A Reveal.js theme for nimib for making slideshow presentations in Nim
MIT License
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Colored font #16

Open nixfreak opened 1 year ago

nixfreak commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to have color font before using a fragment to highlight?

So the nbText already has a color first , then use a fragment to fade in , fade out.

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

It's definitely possible, but it depends on exactly what you want. Do you want to color it using the highlightGreen/Red/Blue fragment, or do you want something which can make any nbText have a certain color?

For the second case, one could create a new block nbTextColor that could work something like this:

nbTextColor("red"): """
# Header
Some text bla bla.
nixfreak commented 1 year ago

Ok , would that be pull request to nimib repo or here? Cause I would have to create a template called nbTextColor correct?

nixfreak commented 1 year ago

I'm having so much fun with this library , thank you.

HugoGranstrom commented 1 year ago

Yes you are correct, a template called nbTextColor. I would say this is general enough to be used by any nimib project so I would PR it to nimib.

Thank you, that's great to hear 😁 now that summer is upon us, I will have more time for development again.