HugoGresse / bataille

A risk like game, in js, revamp for quick bataille and fun
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Localize resources? #12

Open KaneryU opened 1 month ago

KaneryU commented 1 month ago

I think that it may be a good idea to localize resources somehow. Maybe by country? This way, you can take on larger enemies, because they won't have their full 1k+ balance at their disposal.

KaneryU commented 1 month ago

Maybe there could be "training camps" where balance is kept. There is one per country. Each city in the country draws from that training camp as balance and also, the cities income goes to that training camp. You can send "convoys" from training camp to training camp, which can have up to 2k troops (that's an arbitrary number though) allowing for mass movement. These convoys can't fight that well though, so maybe if a regular army meets them they will loose 2x the troops (so if a regular army the size of 100 attacks a convoy, the convoy will loose 200 troops).

KaneryU commented 1 month ago

Adding onto the training camp idea, there could be a capital training camp. Each country pays 1/2 of it's balance to the training camp in the city, and 1/2 to the capital, so it still allows rapid resource growth anywhere (you can move the capital).

Also training camps would not be part of the country, so if you take over all other cities excluding the training camp, the whole city will be taken over. This is because training camps might have like, 6000 troops in them. If the country with a training camp is taken over, the training camp will rapidly loose it's troops.

HugoGresse commented 1 month ago

The idea is not to make it more complex for beginners, but I think indeed having a local nation army like in Risk in Warcraft3 could be a good idea!