HugoHasenbein / redmine_all_thumbnails

Plugin for Redmine. Show every issue attachment as either thumbnailable image or as a file icon
GNU General Public License v2.0
9 stars 3 forks source link

Does not work with 5.0.x #7

Open GaryAitken opened 2 years ago

GaryAitken commented 2 years ago

$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=redmine_test rake aborted! LoadError: cannot load such file -- redmine_all_thumbnails /home/xblgx_test/.gem/ruby/3.0.4/gems/zeitwerk-2.5.4/lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb:35:in require' /home/xblgx_test/.gem/ruby/3.0.4/gems/zeitwerk-2.5.4/lib/zeitwerk/kernel.rb:35:inrequire' /home/xblgx_test/redmine-5.0.1/plugins/redmine_all_thumbnails/init.rb:59:in `<top (required)>'

saint-hh commented 1 year ago

After another attempt to update to Redmine 5.0.3, I can confirm, that _redmine_morepreviews is running fine. Thank you very much! Now, with _redmine_allthumbnails, I'm running as well into the meantioned problems. I'd be able to test, if you want me to.