HugoLhuillier / IntroProg2018

Course taught in the MSc in Economics first year, Sciences Po, Spring 2018.
5 stars 26 forks source link

sw carpernty #1

Open floswald opened 6 years ago

floswald commented 6 years ago

which language?

floswald commented 6 years ago

a different way to think about this is:

HugoLhuillier commented 6 years ago

I see your point. However, they might be confuse if they have to learn two languages, you might have some welfare loss that applies to both groups here. But I don't know if it dominates...

If we go for the 2-languages approach, what do you think about this kind of schedule?

  1. What's a computer? How to interact with it? Introduction to Unix and Github
  2. Computing: the basics in R (data type, variable, logical operators, functions etc.). Basically, most of what's in and what's needed if you want to estimate your own estimator or stuff like that
  3. Advanced computing in Julia (creating your own type, package management, code profiling and optimization etc.)

So if everything goes well, it would be something like 1-2 lectures on 1), 3-4 lectures on 2), and 2-3 lectures on 3). And then adjusting depending on how responsive the students are.

HugoLhuillier commented 6 years ago

(also if we only teach them Julia, maybe none of them will go for reduced form economics. and that's a big :tada:. kidding!)

floswald commented 6 years ago

yes sounds good to me. i would focus a lot on the swcarpentry part. keep in mind that we care mostly about the students with 0 programming knowledge, not whether the top programmer (or indeed the teacher!) is bored. :-) like that first section is really fundamental. assigning to a variable etc. i would use ggplot right after base plot, it's just too powerful to ignore.

HugoLhuillier commented 6 years ago

I'm a bit rusty in R myself anyway, so that's going to be a good training! Thanks for your expertise Florian!

floswald commented 6 years ago

definitely good training. R is a bit awkward sometimes, you know, just like a 20-year old language that grew out of C and S-plus would look like. but there are amazing things there, particularly for data work. look at what hadley wickham did (apart from ggplot): also, talking about efficiency: someone still will have to beat R data.table: and - contrarily to common wisdom amongst economists - stata is not more efficient with large datasets than R:

I just started a project with spatial data. impossible to beat R. anyway, i'm happy to look at all your material and provide comments. also, copy at will from tyler's stuff if you want.