Huh / collar

Utilities for exploring telemetry data
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Vectronics API call broken on master branch #51

Closed foresthayes closed 5 years ago

foresthayes commented 5 years ago

@Huh The fetch_vectronics function no longer works on the master branch.

Following the test for fetch_vectronics this is what the output now looks like:

all_dat %>% str  chr [1:46] "c_59000427_59000454_59000468_59000483_59000495_59000504_59000514_59000527_59000535_59000550_59000565_59000569_5"\| __truncated__ ...
Huh commented 5 years ago

Try again, I just pushed the whole thing after some minor changes. I will test on my end too.

Huh commented 5 years ago

How bout those pretty column names, eh? I hope that function continues to work well, cuz it does make nice names so far...fingers crossed

EDIT: Whoops the point of this message was to say that the master works fine on my machine

> library(collar)
> path <- get_paths(
+   system.file(
+     "extdata",
+     package = "collar"
+   )
+ )
> all_dat <- fetch_vectronics(path, type = "gps")
Downloading Vectronics collar data...
Parsing data...
Done. Elapsed time: 0.09 minutes
Warning message:
In rep(as.integer(len), length = length(str)) :
  partial argument match of 'length' to 'length.out'
> all_dat
# A tibble: 645 x 46
   idposition idcollar acquisitiontime scts  origincode ecefx ecefy ecefz latitude
        <int>    <int> <chr>           <chr> <chr>      <int> <int> <int>    <dbl>
 1   59000426  1000001 2000-01-01T03:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 2   59000427  1000001 2000-01-01T03:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 3   59000467  1000001 2000-01-01T04:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 4   59000481  1000001 2018-07-10T03:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 5   59000489  1000001 2000-01-01T06:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 6   59000503  1000001 2018-07-10T04:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 7   59000511  1000001 2000-01-01T06:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 8   59000519  1000001 2000-01-01T08:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
 9   59000530  1000001 2000-01-01T12:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
10   59000545  1000001 2000-01-01T15:~ 2018~ C             NA    NA    NA       NA
# ... with 635 more rows, and 37 more variables: longitude <dbl>, height <int>,
#   dop <dbl>, idfixtype <int>, positionerror <lgl>, satcount <int>, ch01satid <int>,
#   ch01satcnr <int>, ch02satid <int>, ch02satcnr <int>, ch03satid <int>,
#   ch03satcnr <int>, ch04satid <int>, ch04satcnr <int>, ch05satid <int>,
#   ch05satcnr <int>, ch06satid <int>, ch06satcnr <int>, ch07satid <int>,
#   ch07satcnr <int>, ch08satid <int>, ch08satcnr <int>, ch09satid <int>,
foresthayes commented 5 years ago

Try again, I just pushed the whole thing after some minor changes. I will test on my end too.

Resolved. Thanks!