HuiZeng / BIQA_Toolbox

A benchmark implementation of representative deep BIQA models
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the cross dataset test problem #2

Open badaodao opened 5 years ago

badaodao commented 5 years ago

Hello,wonderful u!

I want to train the model on the LIVE dataset and test on TID2013. However,they have different label.(dmos for LIVE,mos for TID2013). I noticed that some articles will give that:

"A nonlinear mapping based on a logistic function(always applied to FR measures) is applied for transforming the quality measure into a certain range.We randomly split the TID2013 into 80% and 20%, 80% is used for estimating parameters of the logistic function and 20% for testing the transformed prediction scores." So I find the FR measures transform method in

However,when I use the above method, the test results SROCC is so low and so different with the other cross dataset test results. I want to ask if you know the certain method of transforming DMOS to MOS? or any advice for me? Thank you very much!!!

HuiZeng commented 5 years ago

Hello. I'm sorry that I have no experience of transforming DMOS to MOS :(

badaodao commented 5 years ago

Oh,what a pity.But thank you all the way ! : )