HuiZeng / BIQA_Toolbox

A benchmark implementation of representative deep BIQA models
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the cross dataset - dmos.txt in CSIQ #3

Closed niebieska closed 5 years ago

niebieska commented 5 years ago

Hello ! I trained CNN model with TID2013 database and I have a problem in testing with dmos.txt file for CSIQ. The original CSIQ database files contains only xlsx for dmos data. I try make file myself with diffrent combinations but I do not know what it should contains and the result is always matlab error (for example different number of rows in corr)

Could you help me ?

Thank you very much!!!

HuiZeng commented 5 years ago

Hi,I checked my source code and found that I have one dmos.txt file of the CSIQ, and this file was created in 2010. Since about two years have pasted, I cannot remember where I got this .txt file,possibly from some other prior researchers, but it should work with the provided getImdbCSIQ.m in setupDataset. I have uploaded it to my googleDrive: Hope this can help you.