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Blacklist - Hide content of user #211

Open roschaefer opened 6 years ago

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Not every post is everybody's cup of tea. Sometimes a user dislikes posts by a certain person so much, that he/she would like to stop seeing contributions of this person.

Describe the solution you'd like In the case above, a user should be able to click on the contribution or the authors profile page and click a button to blacklist this person and stop seeing contributions of this person.

Describe alternatives you've considered A possible alternative could be to block accounts for the entire community.

Additional context

Feature: Individual Blacklist
  As a user
  I want to click on a button to blacklist certain user profiles
  In order to stop seeing contributions of this account, because I don't like them
roschaefer commented 6 years ago

Should the button be placed on the profile page, the contributions page or both?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@roschaefer both would be good

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

Should be on both.

Other question: Should we completely hide the contributions or maybe just mask them to show that there is a contribution/comment from an blocked user so that we could unblock/show that contribution on time? At least for comments that could make sense or not?

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

I vote for a strict filter - if I blacklisted somebody I mean it. However I would like to unblock people. If I can't see their contributions, I cannot undo my decision the same way. Therefore a unblock feature would make sense on my profile page.

ghost commented 6 years ago

+1 for a strict filter.

To unblock we'd need a list like Organizations in Settings/Profile with all blocked peers listed.

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

But on comments some hint would be nice to understand reactions from others don't you think?

ghost commented 6 years ago

true that, could be confusing if there's an answer but no question. Maybe we should label it as a riddle 🍡

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

What is the umbrella term for contributions and comments?

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

What is the umbrella term for contributions and comments? ...

@roschaefer userContent?

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

What is the expected response if the user visits a contribution site that is blacklisted? With the current implementation I get 404. Another user who does not blacklist the author will see the contribution. Is that expected behaviour?

ghost commented 6 years ago

If someone uses a bookmark to open some post from a meanwhile blocked user I'd say redirect to newsfeed, any issues with that?

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

I would prefer 404 or an explicit message telling you that you blacklisted the author. I don't like redirect because of magic.

ghost commented 6 years ago

true that. Hmm how about showing the contribution concealed (blur filter or smth.) with a note on top?

sushidave commented 6 years ago

How about calling it unsubscribe instead of blocking? While technically it does the same, unsubscribe sounds less "violent".


sushidave commented 6 years ago

Referring to my previous post I probably mixed up things. Twitter has three kinds of "disconnecting" features:

  1. Unfollow
  2. Mute
  3. Block

Each one has its own consequences. And there are also features to report users for violations.

@roschaefer Is your feature request rather about no. 2 (muting) or about no. 3 (blocking)?

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

@sushidave as I know it’s more no 3

ghost commented 6 years ago

@sushidave it's intended for blocking (total removal from your sight)

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

@appinteractive @mimicc83 really? I thought it's more like muting.

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

To be honest I don’t like that feature to be blocking. But currently we have no subscriptions beside „following“ a user or organization for updates. The rest is „take it all“. So maybe we could name it „unsubscribe“ to be more friendly. What do you thing? What would a „unsubscribe“ look like?

roschaefer commented 6 years ago

I thought "unsubscribe === unfollow" and this feature here is to "mute" sb.

There is no blocking because we don't have direct messages implemented.

appinteractive commented 6 years ago

But it hides the content of the blacklisted users!? I don’t get the subtle differences between the three types.

But the purpose of that issue was to give people to hide content from users that annoyed them.

ghost commented 6 years ago

yes you're right, unfollow === unsubscribe - mute or whatever name we use should also work for chat I think. I wouldn't necessarily call it "block" and rather stick to mute as it sounds more nicey. Can we stick to one for now (mute) and discuss naming at some later point? I think the functionality required is clear to everyone.