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[versus feature] map opinion properties of versus threads by ratings of users and display results as net-line-graph #223

Open infinite-dao opened 5 years ago

infinite-dao commented 5 years ago

Summary, Idea

I became an idea for the future to implement in the versus feature. Because forcing consensus can lead to have groups manipulating public opinion we need to ensure to say multiple opinions, different perspectives etc., but these perspectives can also be ratet by (rather more or less objective) properties to see the intensions or characteristics of a versus debate, to visualize somehow the ongoing debate not primarily by emotions but by properties of valid good journalism characteristics (sure there are some guidance rules out there) that can indicate the intent of a versus. These properties have to be developed yet if there is no opinion-ontology out there yet.


So one can

The net display could look like a spider map, in the middle the actual versus or so:

versus debate opinion mapping x400px

Steps to start with


Technical examples

See also the plot of coocgraph of occurrences of a word

cheers, Andreas

infinite-dao commented 5 years ago

some subjects of properties to conceptualise (just came to mind):

To implement it,

realB12 commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could start with "just" one attribute. Let's say "truthiness" (the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true). Recently there have been big debates, books haben been written and public discussions in the "Fake News" context. Just THIS alone, demonstrates the dimensions of such an undertaking and how complex it is to find common ground and clarity that could be managed by simple attributes. However, there is some progress in this area and other projects may profit heavily when we would come up with a working solution prototype. On the other hand, addressing more than one attribute I personally consider too much of scope that most probably will leed to endless discussions and never ending confusion. I would prefer to focus on ONE thing, find a solution and add other "social aspects" later.

realB12 commented 5 years ago

Along my current work in the AI driven BotTech field I have found that practial, narrow, real live user activity focused approaches and designs might bring us farther and might widen our solution portfolio faster than building from abstract theories.

realB12 commented 5 years ago

Another viewpoint: Are we really sure, that people want their input to be categorized and rated by others or algorithms? Do we have some evidence that this feature is urgently needed? Or is it just nice to have? How and who is putting this feature in an overall context?

ghost commented 5 years ago

This is a general discussion on the feature, if and when we need it will be discussed in a developers meeting at some later point. For now it's not urgent.