Emote Portrait Alive: Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
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其实,他们开不开源已经不那么重要了,毕竟国内的氛围都让他们整坏了! | In fact, it doesn't matter so much whether they open source or not, after all, the atmosphere in the country is screwed up for them! #210

Open zhenqicai opened 6 months ago

zhenqicai commented 6 months ago


english: I do not know when this has become a place for them to brag. In fact, whether they open source or not is not so important now, and we can not because they do not open source, and to question they did not make products, but only to complete the performance appraisal, the use of editing software produced by the promotional video.

hedada-hc commented 6 months ago

阿里为啥老是作恶?我看了下他们发布的所有项目都没有开源 从 跳舞的 换衣服的 现在的这个图片转视频的 "Why does Alibaba always do evil? I checked all the projects they released and none of them are open source. From dancing to changing clothes to now this image-to-video one."

zhenqicai commented 6 months ago

@hedada-hc 开不开源是人家的事,他们打广告、作秀是选错地方了,这里是代码托管,可不是他们吹嘘、撒野的地方。倘若他们在除了github.com以外的任何地方,鼓吹、商业吹捧、忽悠小白,我相信是没有人会去理他们的。(除了那么愿意相信“我的产品遥遥领先”)

english:Whether they open source or not is their business, they have chosen the wrong place to advertise and show off, this is a code hosting place, not a place for them to brag and play wild. If they were to advertise, tout, and fool white people anywhere but, I'm sure no one would pay them any attention. (Except for those who want to believe that "my product is way ahead of the curve".)

Vetrov0x commented 6 months ago

So there is no chance to run this on my pc in near future ? :c

zhenqicai commented 6 months ago

@Vetrov0x 的确,也正是由于他们的存在,致使github.com这个代码托管平台变得乌烟瘴气!

English: Indeed, it is also their presence that has caused, the code hosting platform, to become a mess!

AdaptiveStep commented 5 months ago

fake open source lol

johndpope commented 5 months ago

AI = alibaba intelligence????

LeviArckman commented 1 month ago
