HumanCellAtlas / dcp

Data Coordination Platform manifest and integration tests.
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Code Coverage Metrics #524

Open stahiri opened 4 years ago

stahiri commented 4 years ago

This work is ~a stretch goal for Q3~ now considered NICE TO HAVE in Q4 but is not prioritized. It may or may not be completed during Q4.

User Story

As a DCP developer, I can promote a change through the full deployment process, which includes deployment across relevant environments, with minimal risk of causing downstream breakages so that day-to-day development is not a burden.

Demoable Criteria

We are capturing code coverage metrics for each component.

Success Criteria

We have 85% code coverage for our unit and integration tests.

Please note that there is active discussion about the framing of this definition. This ticket will be updated with any alterations.