HumanDynamics / openPDS
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Add default admin theme #33

Open patcon opened 9 years ago

patcon commented 9 years ago

This is what I see on /admin:

Assuming that a lack of admin theme is not my install being buggy, might it make sense to get a drop-in theme in place?

patcon commented 9 years ago


RogerTangos commented 9 years ago

eh - I see your point. After first getting the project running, I thought that it was just having problems with static files, too.

The admin page isn't particularly (ahem. at all.) useful. In fact, the only thing I ever use it for is making sure that syncdb was run, and that the server's configured properly.

Do you think it'd be easier to add a default theme, or to manually link a style sheet? I'll merge either of them.

Albert Carter

Programmer Big Data Initiative CSAIL, MIT

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Patrick Connolly wrote:


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patcon commented 9 years ago

OK, if the admin page isn't useful, then no worries :) I'm a little confused how to evaluate this project though -- there was no UI originally, so I was directed to the admin panel, but it sounds like you're saying that this isn't useful either...?

Any recommendations on how to explore this project?

(I admittedly haven't read the whitepaper yet, and thought browsing the project would make that simpler.)

brian717 commented 9 years ago

The project is, for the most part, a set of APIs for interfacing with and managing personal metadata: you can think of this repo as a REST interface to a database that holds data about you, along with a place to run trusted computations against this personal data, which populates the data available to the REST endpoints.

To that point, it's the applications built on top of openPDS that provide user interfaces and the analysis for populating them. There are a number of client libraries for interfacing with an openPDS instance: the Android client library is is hosted on github, while a javascript+backbone.js version (for interfacing with a PDS that has already authorized access) is included in the static/js directory of every openPDS install. A good place to get started on interfacing a client Android application with an openPDS instance is located in the openPDS-HelloWorld repository.

The registry server is the place where user accounts and authorization for client applications is handled - it has the standard OAuth 2.0 endpoints as well as user interfaces for managing client applications and access tokens.

Does that make sense?

RogerTangos commented 9 years ago

Hey Patrick,

We had similar experiences booting the project, and then thinking that it wasn't working, so it may actually be a good idea to theme the admin page.

The website is a good place to start:

I think that Brian's thesis also gives a good overview:

tl;dr: The project accepts data from client devices (currently Android and iOS) via "connectors", and puts them in individual user data repositories. Third party applications can use resources on the server to access and process the data. The processed information is stored in a questions/answers table, and returned to the 3rd party or the user on request.

We're in the process of finishing the iOS connection, and migrating to

After that, we hope to define some things (i.e. connectors) as procedures, make openPDS more of an API (and stop serving views from it), and give it some auditing functionality.

What brings you to the project?

Albert Carter

Programmer Big Data Initiative CSAIL, MIT

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:01 AM, Patrick Connolly wrote:

OK, if the admin page isn't useful, then no worries! I'm a little confused how to evaluate this project though -- there was no UI originally, so I was directed to the admin panel, but now it sounds like you're saying that isn't useful either.

Any recommendations on how to explore this project?

(I admittedly haven't read the whitepaper yet, and thought browsing the project would make that simpler.)

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patcon commented 9 years ago

thanks to both of you! My impression is that you both just wonderfully summed up the whitepaper and other docs, so I suppose I should read that first (I only skimmed :)

@RogerTangos My interest is varied. I've been following blockchain tech, and have lately adopted privacy and maximum possible opsec as a sort of hobby. I'm doing a bit of travelling and staying with a doctor friend, so we've been discussing lots about how to haul parts of the medical system forward. My current view is that I don't think we can really start doing interesting things until we can put medical data in the hands of users, and allow them to support innovations at their leisure. The larger institutions and doctors are simply too cautious and slow-moving. And rightfully so -- it's not their data. Right now, the general public isn't really ready to hold that data, but I'm also in favour of privacy and opsec education in preparation for our digital future. So yeah, openPDS + privacy education => patient data ownership => medical innovation :)

(It's entirely possible that giving patients data is a bad idea. Given that we're from a place with a lot of poverty, my doctor friend seems to be concerned with that.)

Braindump complete!

Also, datahub looks awesome.

Do you guys have an IRC channel for chat? I feel like I'm convoluting this issue :)

RogerTangos commented 9 years ago

Cool. Glad to have you contributing! That validates an impression I had, which was that we were getting a lot of interest from medical tech people... No idea how this would work with HIPAA though.

We don't have a dedicated channel, but you can typically find me on gchat at I'm happy to answer questions almost anytime.


Albert Carter

Programmer Big Data Initiative CSAIL, MIT

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Patrick Connolly wrote:

thanks to both of you! My impression is that you both just wonderfully summed up the whitepaper and other docs, so I suppose I should read that first (I only skimmed :)

@RogerTangos My interest is varied. I've been following blockchain tech, and have lately adopted privacy as a sort of hobby. I'm doing a bit of travelling and staying with a doctor friend, so we've been discussing lots about how to haul parts of the medical system forward. I don't think we can really start doing interesting things until we can puts medical data in the hands of users, and allow them to support innovations at their leisure. Right now, the general public isn't really ready to hold that data, but I'm also in favour of privacy and opsec education in preparation for our digital future. So yeah, openPDS + privacy education => patient data ownership => medical innovation :)

(It's entirely possible that giving patients data is a bad idea. Given that we're from a place with a lot of poverty, my doctor friend seems to be concerned with that.)

Braindump complete!

Also, datahub looks awesome.

Do you guys have an IRC channel for chat? I feel like I'm convoluting this issue :)

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