Objects on layer 2 and above will visually appear on layer 1 after they use a trampoline.
The new reverse conveyor tile is still active even if you use any of the button types to turn it off. Visually it appears off. Also there doesn't seem to be a way to select a "type 2" version of this tile, but I'm assuming it's intentional since the Conveyors category is completely full.
Most if not all text entry screens in the editor have the text and background box positions out of place.
Kabooms will explode when next to Powder Kegs from a completely different layer.
Chompers/Frogfish that are on the same tile as you but are on a different layer will continuously move left and right instead of staying in place.
Boulders/Link Spheres/Beach Balls do not continue to roll after riding elevators like they do transporters. Maybe this is intentional?
If layers do not share the exact same Liquid or Empty tile, then the elevator will not work. For example, using a Trench on layer 1 and an Empty tile on layer 2 will make the elevator unable to move between the layers.
Watching a replay all the way to level completion will make the game continue to play the same replay file on next selected level.
Motherships always spawn UFOs on layer 1.
Bullies are able to detect you horizontally even if they're on a different layer.
Something minor but I thought I'd share this anyway - Replays do not capture the player using the Shift key or Alt+X to move the camera around, nor can the player use these keys while a replay is playing.
Maybe it's just me, but the reverse conveyor animation is kind of hard to look at. Not exactly sure why. Maybe it's too fast? Maybe it's the way the texture scrolling is?
Add Numpad + and - for switching between layers.
Add Numpad / and * for removing and adding layers.
Add Shift + + or - for looking around layers so that Alt+X isn't needed. (Numpad + and - too.)
Add the ability to delete specific recordings.
When pushing objects off elevators, you end up standing on the elevator yourself, which then makes it automatically start moving between layers. If a single elevator can go between multiple layers, I can see this being time consuming getting back to the same layer you were on to continue moving an object. I'm proposing the idea to have elevators not move when you step on them, but only if you were pushing an object off of it. For comparison, a transporter does not move when you push an object off of it and into the water. I know this may not be a perfect comparison since it's the submerged object that's preventing the transporter from moving, but I think you get the idea.
Thanks, I already fixed a lot of these in the latest commits and I plan to fix/implement most of those. They should be available in version b0.7.1a which will release in the coming days