HumanRightsMeasurementInitiative / hrmi-dataportal
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Number of countries #138

Open annemariebrook opened 4 years ago

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Two small issues to ask about (feel free to separate into two issues if you prefer):

  1. As Susan pointed out, it would be good to change the number of countries on the tile on the home page to the number of countries for which we have at least one data point. So instead of 222 countries, for v3.0 it would say 195 countries, and for v3.1 I'm not yet sure (as I haven't seen Chad's final count), but it will be at least 197.

Moving the following to separate issue #140

2. When sorting by availability on the all countries page, I was trying to figure out how the algorithm works. The thing that seems weird is that some countries with, say, all five ESRs appear after some countries with only four ESRs. It appears the high-income countries are being 'placed' further ahead. But in some cases the differences are more extreme. e.g. Singapore (with only 2 ESRs) appears before several countries with four ESRs (including some high income countries with four ESRs). This isn't a big deal but does seem a little odd. I think it would be better just to have them ordered first by the number of bars that show up in the 13 rights view (and then sorted by name within each group). I think their income group should be irrelevant here.

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Yes, this is indeed tricky, especially when wanting to be consistent across pages.

However I so not think it is wrong to claim that we have data on 222 countries (as lack of information is also data). After all we have all 222 countries in the DB and it would be "more wrong" to state 197 (or whatever) and then actually have more countries to chose from.

Regardless, I would oppose having a different number on the landing page than on the country overview, at least without further explanation somewhere.

Again my suggestion is to just claim the full 222 as this is the number of countries we track

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

OK. I don't think anyone in the HRMI team would claim to be tracking human rights in 222 countries. The other countries are there because they are countries (or territories) that exist in the world, and while an empty set is useful information, I don't think that would meet any of our definitions of 'data'.

My preference would be to change the landing page number to the number of countries for which we have at least one right score, and find a way to be consistent on the all-countries page, as i think that is the only page where there would otherwise be an inconsistency? . I like the way on the Rights pages it says "Scores available for xx countries". Would you be happy to also put that at the top of the all-countries page? Alternatively, we could provide both numbers at the top of the all countries page. e.g. "Scores available for 195 countries, out of 222 countries included in dataset". What do you think?

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Ok, will update the landing page accordingly.

I like your ideas for the country overview. How about we simply do:

Likewise I would suggest to change the list header for the metric views when a filter is active to:

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

@tmfrnz - just wondering if you're ok to progress this issue this week? The 222 countries tile on the landing page is bothering Susan. Thank you!

I'm happy with your suggestions above for how to resolve it. i.e.

For v3.0 the number is 195 countries and territories and for v3.1 it looks as though the number will be 203.

Re: the countries and territories issue, i would keep it as 'all countries' in places where it is directing people to the all countries page (as in this case 'all countries' is just shorthand for 'all countries and territories'). For the header at the top of the page (once you get there) I think it would be good to be more precise. i.e. "Scores available for 195 countries and territories"

However, as soon as we start adding filters it gets a bit more complicated, as some groupings don't have any territories in them. To keep things simple i would use 'countries' only for any filtered count.


tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@annemariebrook had a quick look at implementing this and some additional questions/comments regarding the country count in the list header.

Regarding unfiltered list

Filtered list

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

@tmfrnz, I agree that the number should be pulled from the data.

For the filtered list on the metrics pages (rights and indicators), I was envisaging that the count would be the number of countries that are actually "showing" in the chart, so i'm not sure how it could be misleading. Can you provide an example?

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@tmfrnz, I agree that the number should be pulled from the data.

  • the 'number of countries we have scores' for should refer to the rights scores (not indicators). On the all-countries page I would be happy for the number to depend on the selected scale. However, for the landing page I think it should be either (so 195 for v3.0 and 197 for v3.1).

For the filtered list on the metrics pages (rights and indicators), I was envisaging that the count would be the number of countries that are actually "showing" in the chart, so i'm not sure how it could be misleading. Can you provide an example?

I was only referring to the country overview, not the single metric page where we indeed only show countries we have scores for (for selected metric). On the country overview however we are

While ideally the item count in the list header should match the number of list items, again I think we can also get away with the list header describing a relevant subset.

Anyway, my suggestion would be to

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Hi @tmfrnz, that makes sense and i am happy with your first three bullet point suggestions.

For the single metric view pages, I have a strong preference for "Showing scores for [xx] countries" as the count of scores 'showing' is useful for someone interested only in the countries showing for that indicator or right. (e.g. if they want to say that their country ranks 30th out of 84 countries - it is a pain if they have to count all 84 countries manually). I'd also prefer not to include "or territories' on the metrics pages, as in many cases (depending on the filter used) there won't be any territories showing. Let me know if you're ok with that. Thank you!

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Sounds good! In the future and once we have #117, we could even make the "or territories" depending on the countries' statuses

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Ah - that could be good :-) Thanks @tmfrnz !

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Hi @annemariebrook ,

Just implementing the new country count, however your preference of showing a different set of countries in the overview (all countries incl where data not present) than counting in the list header can produce non-sensical results, eg image

So while I would strongly suggest to make this consistent by alternative option would be to introduce a separate count for those countries without data on the overview page, eg by always introducing a small sub-header when such countries are present ,such as image

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tmfrnz. Personally, I am not very bothered by the example you provide. i.e. "Showing scores for 0 countries" while showing an empty set of scores for American Samoa. However, I understand that some people may find this jarring.

I also have no objection to your 'alternative solution' of providing a separate count of the countries showing that have no data e.g. "1 country without scores" in your example above. I would be very happy for you to go ahead and implement that idea. Thank you!

Just to be clear - i prefer your alternative solution to either of the bullet pointed suggestions. Thank you!

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

This has now been deployed to our dev site for you to review. I have also made a small change to the text that you are welcome to edit here

(will also require translation)

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tmfrnz. Looks good to me. Just checking: will this also be deployed to v3.0 (the live site)? I just need to know so i can advise Sarah where to add the translations. Thank you.

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@sarahbichan please add the translations on the feature branch "country-numbers-138"

sarahbichan commented 4 years ago

Translations have now been added to this branch.

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Excellent - thanks. I will now merge this both to master and v3.1 branches and deploy to v3.1 for review.