HumanRightsMeasurementInitiative / hrmi-dataportal
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Add info on government respondents in 5 Pacific countries #161

Open annemariebrook opened 4 years ago

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

For some of the smaller Pacific countries, we permitted (for the first time) some survey respondents to be government employees. We've been discussing how to present this information on the Rights Tracker, and here's what we propose:

  1. On the rights pages - add a footer, with a superscript lower-case 'g' as the indicator for the following five countries only: Niue, Nauru, FSM, Tonga, Cook Islands. The footer should say (I can't do a superscript g here but note it should be superscript):

g Some survey respondents in the smallest countries worked for or with the government (only allowed for countries with a population of fewer than 120,000 people)

  1. On the country pages (for these five countries only) we propose to add an additional paragraph to the narrative, but only on the Safety from the State and Empowerment details pages. Here's a draft sentence to include (which we may edit).

"Note: For [Niue], because it has a very small population, we allowed some survey respondents to work for or with the government. This was only allowed for countries with a population of fewer than 120,000 people, and excluded politicians, police, and members of the military. For more information, please see the Methodology Handbook."

@tmfrnz, can you please implement these two suggestions? We suggest the new narrative paragraph be added AFTER the other narrative paragraphs (and only on the two CPR details tabs). Thank you!

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@annemariebrook I have deployed this to our v3.1 dev site for you to review.

The translations should be added to the "161-gov-respondents" branch:

The fields to be translated are:

If the note is shown is determined by the new column gov_respondents in the new version of the countries file (value is 1 for the 5 countries):

This also improves the logic for showing the HI note on the single right and country overview pages: previously it would always show (single right only for ESR metrics except indicators) but now it only shows when there is actually a HI country in the list (so no note would be shown when we filter for LMI and eg Americas)

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

Thanks @tmfrnz. This looks good to me. And thanks also for the related change (improving the logic for showing the * (HI note) on the ESR rights pages.

annemariebrook commented 4 years ago

@sarahbichan - just a reminder that the translations for one of the fields listed above is still to be added. Not urgent - just checking you haven't forgotten.

sarahbichan commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Anne-Marie. I've received the translations from Dona and will add them as soon as I can.

sarahbichan commented 4 years ago

Oh and I assume that the translations should be added to the master now? The branch link above no longer works and I can't see a 161 gov respondents branch in the branch list. Please confirm @tmfrnz . Thanks.

sarahbichan commented 4 years ago

Now that my git tools are working again :), I've searched for "hrmi.components.CountryNarrative.cpr.govRespondents" but can't find it in the master repository. Is there still a 161 gov respondents branch? If so, please point me in the right direction, @tmfrnz . Thanks!

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@sarahbichan not sure if you are looking at the right branch but the field (hrmi.components.CountryNarrative.cpr.govRespondents) should be in line 293, eg FR

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

@sarahbichan that is in the master branch

sarahbichan commented 4 years ago

Done :).