HumanRightsMeasurementInitiative / hrmi-dataportal
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Integrate new Pacific-specific survey questions #88

Open tmfrnz opened 4 years ago

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

New questions

Climate Crisis: How much has the climate crisis worsened human rights conditions for people in Fiji?

Indigenous Sovereignty: To what extent are indigenous and/or native communities in Fiji able to exercise self-determination? That is, to what extent are native and/or indigenous communities able to govern themselves and decide for themselves how they will live without outside interference?

Indigenous Land Rights: To what extent are indigenous and/or native communities in Fiji able to freely access, use, and make decisions about their traditional lands and resources without interference?

Cultural Rights: To what extent do communities in Fiji have sovereignty and control over their cultural traditions, including the use of their own languages in education and the media, and control over the use of their cultural knowledge?

Possible answers:

tmfrnz commented 4 years ago

Awaiting development of concept