I have created a project using label studio UI. I have imported some images and labeled them manually. Now Im trying to import some images and update the annotations using the label studio sdk. This is my code:
LABEL_STUDIO_URL = os.getenv('LABEL_STUDIO_URL', default='xxxx')
API_KEY = "xxxxxxx"
ls = Client(url=LABEL_STUDIO_URL, api_key=API_KEY)
//project = Project(Client(url=LABEL_STUDIO_URL, api_key=API_KEY))
project = ls.get_project(PROJECT_ID)
tasks_to_annotate = project.get_unlabeled_tasks();
images = os.listdir("./datasets/train/images/")
labels = os.listdir("./datasets/train/labels/")
with open("./datasets/notes.json") as file_labels:
labels_schema = json.load(file_labels)
for task in tasks_to_annotate:
name = task["file_upload"].split("-")[-1].split(".")[0]
image = cv2.imread("./datasets/train/images/"+name+".jpg")
height, width = image.shape[:2]
bboxes = []
with open("./datasets/train/labels/"+name+".txt") as file:
for line in file:
rect_id = uuid.uuid4().hex[0:10]
label_id, x, y, x2, y2 = line.split()
x = (float(x)-float(x2)/2.0)*100
y = (float(y) - float(y2)/2.0)*100
rect_height = float(y2)*100
rect_width = float(x2)*100
class_name = labels_schema["categories"][int(label_id)]["name"]
rect_item = {
"id": rect_id,
"type": "rectanglelabels",
"value": {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"width": rect_width,
"height": rect_height,
"rotation": 0,
"rectanglelabels": class_name,
"to_name": "image",
"from_name": "label",
"image_rotation": 0,
"original_width": width,
"original_height": height,
import_data = [{"id": task["id"], "data": task["data"]["image"],"result": bboxes}]
project.update_task(task["id"], import_data)
I would like to use "update_task" but looks like using Client there is not this option. I need to use Project but when I initialize it with Client I get the following error: 'Client' object has no attribute 'rstrip'.
How can I update an existing project with new images and annotations using label studio sdk?
I dont want to create a new project
In update_task I also get this error: update_task() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
I have created a project using label studio UI. I have imported some images and labeled them manually. Now Im trying to import some images and update the annotations using the label studio sdk. This is my code:
I would like to use "update_task" but looks like using Client there is not this option. I need to use Project but when I initialize it with Client I get the following error: 'Client' object has no attribute 'rstrip'.
How can I update an existing project with new images and annotations using label studio sdk? I dont want to create a new project
In update_task I also get this error: update_task() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
Thank you. Javi