HumanSignal / labelImg

LabelImg is now part of the Label Studio community. The popular image annotation tool created by Tzutalin is no longer actively being developed, but you can check out Label Studio, the open source data labeling tool for images, text, hypertext, audio, video and time-series data.
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Rotate image feature #198

Closed Pitt64 closed 3 years ago

Pitt64 commented 6 years ago

Could you please add "rotate image" feature. I'm not sure if the application takes into account the exif metadata of the image; in my case the image is 480x640 and is always rotated to landscape format 640x480 to the left after loading.

Adnation commented 6 years ago

I am also facing similar issue, my images are also rotated automatically and hence It gives wrong annotation coordinates.

vdalv commented 6 years ago

Weird, I haven't experienced this issue myself. Do you mind posting an example for us to test w/?

Pitt64 commented 6 years ago

Here are some examples of the problem:

show_1 show_2

I managed to find a solution to put the images right by modifying the exif metadata with this command: exiftran -ai *.jpg This command will change the exif metadata of all jpg files in the current directory to turn them 90° right.

ArvinCY commented 6 years ago

I also realized this issue, which makes my trained model incorrect. Here is my example of this issue ,the two images are the same actually. problem

ArvinCY commented 6 years ago

@Pitt64 hi,did you take these pictures with your phone? I take my photos with my iphone6 and I find that if I upload the photos with data cable,the image in labelImg always takes the left side of my phone as its bottom. But when I upload photos with wechat(a chinese social software), there is no rotation when I use labelImg. I just wonder if your situation is the same as mine

humandotlearning commented 6 years ago

When a picture is taken with some camera, it is recorded as a landscape direction picture and it is specified in the EXIF file of the picture that it was a portrait direction picture. labelImg isn't handling the rotation needed through that EXIF file.

You have to rotate and save the pictures before using them in labelImg.

You can use

On Linux : exiftran -ai *.jpeg exiftran On Windows: JPEG Autorotate

Sasha1296 commented 5 years ago

I have a similar issue. I decided to go through every image and right click and rotate either left or right depending on what that image needed until all images were orientated the correct way, however this didn't seem to work and labelImg is still showing them in the old rotations. I even restarted my computer just to be sure the orientation wasn't getting updated or something like that but no, when I view the images as "extra large icons" they are rotated in the correct fashion, but when I re-open labelImg it is still showing the wrong orientations. I have almost a thousand images, some of them need a clockwise rotation, others need a counterclockwise rotation so I can't rotate them all in one direction with one command. I have no idea why manually rotating images in the file didn't work

Sasha1296 commented 5 years ago

update, I seem to have found something that sorta works just by combining bits and pieces of code I found everywhere(assuming you already manually went through and rotated each image). For some reason it gives errors for some images, but for now the try statement just ignores those, I'll try to figure out why later:

`import os import glob import PIL import sys from PIL import Image, ExifTags orig_dir = "C:\Users\path_to_origional_images" conv_dir = "C:\Users\path_to_new_folder_to_store_images\" # make sure to have \ at the end

for some reason when I post the comment the code only has 1 slash when it should have two

photos = glob.glob(orig_dir + '/*.jpg') total_pictures = len(photos) print("total number of photos is: " + str(total_pictures)) k = 0 for photo in photos: try: k = k+1 print(photo)

still check if the photo is there. it may have moved

    if not os.path.isfile(photo):
    im =
    for orientation in ExifTags.TAGS.keys():
        if ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == "Orientation":
    if exif[orientation] == 3:
        im=im.rotate(180, expand=True)
    elif exif[orientation] == 6:
        im=im.rotate(270, expand=True)
    elif exif[orientation] == 8:
        im=im.rotate(90, expand=True) +str(k)+ ".png")
    print("caught error")`
stephenramos commented 5 years ago

I opened each image in MS Paint, saved it, and closed it. That seemed to properly orient the image in labelimg

mcorange1997 commented 5 years ago

A good solution was given by @Sasha1296 above and it perfectly solves the rotation problem in LabelImg. For more detailed info, you can refer to the two links about how to access ExifTags and rotate photos.

zjZSTU commented 4 years ago

I meet the same problem, the picture changed when i open it in labelImg. beside this issue, i find another closed issue Rotate 90° when opening? #342


the key of this problem is because the jpeg image have the metadata exif in wiki, some camera equipment will save the direction sensor's info and some tools will use this meta. obviously labelImg do it


one solution is mentioned above @humandotlearning , use exiftran to change it

another solution is to change the jpeg image to png before you anno it


by the way, i tried several tools to open the jpeg image , some use it and some do not use it. for example, labelImg and vscode parse the exif meta; but opencv (cv2.imread) and ubuntu's image tool do not parse

sannykhan3777 commented 4 years ago

@Pitt64 , I found what was the problem ! When a picture is taken with some camera, it is recorded as a landscape direction picture and it is specified in the EXIF file of the picture that it was a portrait direction picture. labelImg isn't handling the rotation needed through that EXIF file.

You have to rotate and save the pictures before using them in labelImg. Following are some links to rotate pics to portrait.

You can use

On Linux : On Windows:

HridoyHazard commented 2 years ago

exiftran -ai *.jpg

how did you use that command ? mine not working from gitbash on that folder