Humanizr / Humanizer

Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
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How to show smaller than milliseconds for TimeSpan? #1494

Closed lloydjatkinson closed 3 months ago

lloydjatkinson commented 3 months ago

I need to display microseconds from a TimeSpan, however right now all I'm able to get is "0 milliseconds".

timeSpan.Humanize(culture: culture);

Does Humanizer support displaying them?

SimonCropp commented 3 months ago

try using the precision override

public static string Humanize(this TimeSpan timeSpan, int precision, bool countEmptyUnits, CultureInfo? culture = null, TimeUnit maxUnit = TimeUnit.Week, TimeUnit minUnit = TimeUnit.Millisecond, string? collectionSeparator = ", ", bool toWords = false)