I was about to create my first pull request towards the Humanizer project and I hope I've done it right up to this point (See problem further below). I'm working in Windows with Visual Studio.
There are a few contradictions in the documentation about contributing:
There is a link to this guide, https://gist.github.com/jbenet/ee6c9ac48068889b0912#the-workflow [GUIDE B], that in the end says I shouldn't fork, but of course I have to and the Humanizer doc (Contribution.md) says so. In that regard I find these guides more useful on how to fork and how to sync the fork:
Sure, I'm new at working with open source code and pretty new at Git (prefer using Source Tree over command line), but I believe I've understood what pieces I really should take from each guide and not. But it's still a little bit confusing. Do you agree something can be done to improve this documentation?
I would also like to ask:
About "Code adheres to the existing coding standards; e.g. no curlies for one-line blocks, no redundant empty lines between methods or code blocks, spaces rather than tabs, etc."
Is there any more doc on this "existing code standard"? I assume it's about following along the current code, but for example the spaces rather than tabs standard I would never have "found" if it wasn't listed here (also, it seems to not be followed everywhere).
What is the difference between running build.cmd and building in Visual Studio? When I tried to run build.cmd the first time I got:
File C:\develop\GIT\Humanizer\build.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\develop\G
IT\Humanizer\build.ps1 is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on
the system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for more details..
At line:1 char:12
+ .\build.ps1 <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException
Now, when running build.cmd I get a lot of error messages about the Humanizer.Tests.Dnx.xproj, for example:
eTests.cs(103,65): DNXCore,Version=v5.0 error CS0103: The name 'Tense' does not
exist in the current context [C:\develop\GIT\Humanizer\Src\Humanizer.Tests.Dnx
However this project is not even included in the solution. So when I build in Visual Studio I get "Build succeded". It seems some information about how the tests for the projects are set up is missing (or I missed it).
I was about to create my first pull request towards the Humanizer project and I hope I've done it right up to this point (See problem further below). I'm working in Windows with Visual Studio.
There are a few contradictions in the documentation about contributing:
There is a link to this guide, http://scottchacon.com/2011/08/31/github-flow.html [GUIDE A], which talks about branching from master, but Humanizer has a dev branch.
There is a link to this guide, https://gist.github.com/jbenet/ee6c9ac48068889b0912#the-workflow [GUIDE B], that in the end says I shouldn't fork, but of course I have to and the Humanizer doc (Contribution.md) says so. In that regard I find these guides more useful on how to fork and how to sync the fork:
https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/ (In combination with GUIDE B i figured out how to rebase with "upstream")
Sure, I'm new at working with open source code and pretty new at Git (prefer using Source Tree over command line), but I believe I've understood what pieces I really should take from each guide and not. But it's still a little bit confusing. Do you agree something can be done to improve this documentation?
I would also like to ask:
I then opened Powershell and ran:
After that I could run build.cmd but now I got another error message about DNX so I googled and followed this guide: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sujitdmello/archive/2015/04/23/step-by-step-installation-instructions-for-getting-dnx-on-your-laptop.aspx
Now, when running build.cmd I get a lot of error messages about the Humanizer.Tests.Dnx.xproj, for example:
However this project is not even included in the solution. So when I build in Visual Studio I get "Build succeded". It seems some information about how the tests for the projects are set up is missing (or I missed it).
My branch can be found here: https://github.com/deap82/Humanizer/tree/SwedishOrdinalizer
I have not created a pull request yet as I haven't managed to run the build.cmd script. Any help and clarification is appreciated.