HumbleUI / JWM

Cross-platform window management and OS integration library for Java
Apache License 2.0
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How do I use this from a repl? #168

Open rgkirch opened 2 years ago

rgkirch commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to use this from clojure. I have a persistent connection to a clojure repl and I'd like to develop without restarting my repl to incorporate a code change. If I launch the app, close the window by clicking the windows X button, and then eval (example) I don't get a working window. I get a window with a blank screen that just reports that it's "not responding". I also tried running the example in a thread but I get the same behavior: (async/thread-call example) Thanks!

(ns rgkirch.core
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async])
  (:import [io.github.humbleui.jwm
           [java.util.function Consumer]))

(defn example
  (defonce init (App/init))
  (def window (App/makeWindow))
  (def layer (LayerGL.))
  (defn paint []
    (.makeCurrent layer)
    (.swapBuffers layer))
  (.attach layer window)
  (.setTitle window "Hello World")
  (.setEventListener window (reify Consumer
                              (accept [this e]
                                  (println e)
                                    (instance? EventWindowCloseRequest e)
                                    (do (.close window)
                                        (App/terminate)) ;; terminate here? or this kills my jvm process?

                                    (instance? EventWindowScreenChange e)
                                      (println "screen change")
                                      (.reconfigure layer)
                                      (let [rect (.getContentRect window)]
                                        (.resize layer (.getWidth rect) (.getHeight rect)))

                                    (instance? EventWindowResize e)
                                      (println "resize")
                                      (.resize layer (.getContentWidth e) (.getContentHeight e))

                                    (instance? EventFrame e)
                                      (.requestFrame window)))))))
  (.setVisible window true)
  (.requestFrame window)
  (defonce start (App/start)))                ;; defonce here or no? same behavior either way...

rgkirch commented 2 years ago

I'm on windows.

rgkirch commented 2 years ago

mvnrepository lists "0.2.4" and "main" so I tried both e.g. io.github.humbleui.jwm/jwm {:mvn/version "0.2.4"}

tonsky commented 2 years ago

I was just about to try it from Clojure, literally tomorrow :) I’ll take a look

From what I see right now, you probably shouldn’t call App/terminate at all, after it nothing will ever work

tonsky commented 2 years ago

Might also be an edge case with closing last window, will have to check

rgkirch commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. I tried running without the call to App/terminate but I still don't get my repl back. Thanks for looking into it!

tonsky commented 2 years ago

So I created Clojure repo here It seems to work on macOS but on Windows I get the same symptoms you got. Good thing is that I can reproduce. I’ll look into it more next week, might be a JWM bug. For now, try not to close last window?