HumbleUI / JWM

Cross-platform window management and OS integration library for Java
Apache License 2.0
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Hiding window decorations #195

Open dzaima opened 2 years ago

dzaima commented 2 years ago

For creating custom popup windows or similar, ability to hide window decorations (also, hiding it from the taskbar) is necessary.

Alternative would be to force everything to use native menus (#193).

For X11, this would involve setting this property with one of a variety of options, e.g.:

                (unsigned char *)&type,
dzaima commented 2 years ago

Noticed that there's setZOrder and setTitlebarVisible, guided by macOS, which together would handle some of that, but would need a 3rd thing to hide from taskbar. X11 does provide separate _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL to disable decorations (i.e. title bar) and _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR to hide from taskbar, but doesn't seem to provide anything for just inheriting the z-order from a type.

mworzala commented 2 years ago

There is also apparently for hiding from the dock on macOS. I haven't messed around with it at all yet.

LuisThiamNye commented 2 years ago

What would the cross-platform API look like?

The way it seems to me is that in X11 you have to provide a specific window type, whereas macOS and Windows allow more individual control over window features.

A possible approach for JWM could be something like setWindowType which takes care of all the necessary details.

tonsky commented 2 years ago

Sounds good