I recently updated from Godot 4.1.3 -> 4.2.1 and since then Modifiers NodePath selection (atleast) hasn't worked. Logged error:
SCRIPT ERROR: Attempt to call function 'get_icon' in base 'null instance' on a null instance.
at: _create_items_recursive (res://addons/proton_scatter/src/stack/inspector_plugin/ui/modifier/components/parameter_node_selector.gd:67)
Removing said line fixes the problem (obiviously) and allows the node selector to function properly.
Version: 4.0 Godot version: 4.2.1
I recently updated from Godot 4.1.3 -> 4.2.1 and since then Modifiers NodePath selection (atleast) hasn't worked. Logged error:
Removing said line fixes the problem (obiviously) and allows the node selector to function properly.