Huntereb / Awoo-Installer

A No-Bullshit NSP, NSZ, XCI, and XCZ Installer for Nintendo Switch
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.51k stars 130 forks source link

Compile Issue #190

Open Yetiuard opened 1 year ago

Yetiuard commented 1 year ago

in home/awoo Me: make


comment this out if you are hacking on the code or compilation will take forever

make --no-print-directory -C include/Plutonium -f Makefile lib make[1]: Makefile: No such file or directory make[1]: No rule to make target 'Makefile'. Stop. make: [Makefile:135: build] Error 2

make: Makefile: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target 'Makefile'. Stop. root@8e396f93e672:/home/Deepseainstaller# git clone --reclusive plutonium error: unknown option `reclusive' usage: git clone [] [--] [


-v, --verbose         be more verbose
-q, --quiet           be more quiet
--progress            force progress reporting
-n, --no-checkout     don't create a checkout
--bare                create a bare repository
--mirror              create a mirror repository (implies bare)
-l, --local           to clone from a local repository
--no-hardlinks        don't use local hardlinks, always copy
-s, --shared          setup as shared repository
                      initialize submodules in the clone
-j, --jobs <n>        number of submodules cloned in parallel
--template <template-directory>
                      directory from which templates will be used
--reference <repo>    reference repository
--reference-if-able <repo>
                      reference repository
--dissociate          use --reference only while cloning
-o, --origin <name>   use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream
-b, --branch <branch>
                      checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD
-u, --upload-pack <path>
                      path to git-upload-pack on the remote
--depth <depth>       create a shallow clone of that depth
--shallow-since <time>
                      create a shallow clone since a specific time
--shallow-exclude <revision>
                      deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev
--single-branch       clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch
--no-tags             don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them
--shallow-submodules  any cloned submodules will be shallow
--separate-git-dir <gitdir>
                      separate git dir from working tree
-c, --config <key=value>
                      set config inside the new repository
-4, --ipv4            use IPv4 addresses only
-6, --ipv6            use IPv6 addresses only
--filter <args>       object filtering

me: # make Output:

comment this out if you are hacking on the code or compilation will take forever

make --no-print-directory -C include/Plutonium -f Makefile lib make[1]: Makefile: No such file or directory make[1]: No rule to make target 'Makefile'. Stop. make: [Makefile:135: build] Error 2 root@8e396f93e672:/home/Deepseainstaller# ^C root@8e396f93e672:/home/Deepseainstaller# make --no-print-directory -C include/Plutonium -F Makefile lib make: invalid option -- 'F' Usage: make [options] [target] ... Options: -b, -m Ignored for compatibility. -B, --always-make Unconditionally make all targets. -C DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything. -d Print lots of debugging information. --debug[=FLAGS] Print various types of debugging information. -e, --environment-overrides Environment variables override makefiles. --eval=STRING Evaluate STRING as a makefile statement. -f FILE, --file=FILE, --makefile=FILE Read FILE as a makefile. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -i, --ignore-errors Ignore errors from recipes. -I DIRECTORY, --include-dir=DIRECTORY Search DIRECTORY for included makefiles. -j [N], --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. -k, --keep-going Keep going when some targets can't be made. -l [N], --load-average[=N], --max-load[=N] Don't start multiple jobs unless load is below N. -L, --check-symlink-times Use the latest mtime between symlinks and target. -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon Don't actually run any recipe; just print them. -o FILE, --old-file=FILE, --assume-old=FILE Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it. -O[TYPE], --output-sync[=TYPE] Synchronize output of parallel jobs by TYPE. -p, --print-data-base Print make's internal database. -q, --question Run no recipe; exit status says if up to date. -r, --no-builtin-rules Disable the built-in implicit rules. -R, --no-builtin-variables Disable the built-in variable settings. -s, --silent, --quiet Don't echo recipes. -S, --no-keep-going, --stop Turns off -k. -t, --touch Touch targets instead of remaking them. --trace Print tracing information. -v, --version Print the version number of make and exit. -w, --print-directory Print the current directory. --no-print-directory Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly. -W FILE, --what-if=FILE, --new-file=FILE, --assume-new=FILE Consider FILE to be infinitely new. --warn-undefined-variables Warn when an undefined variable is referenced.

This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Report bugs to

impeeza commented 1 year ago

Is not -reclusive is -recursive