HuobiRDCenter / huobi_Python

Python SDK for Huobi Spot API
Apache License 2.0
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Return callback argument #98

Closed Kalindro closed 3 years ago

Kalindro commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, it's not an issue but kind begging for help, I'm pretty new to ansychronous stuff and websockets overall, I would just use REST API but Huobi feeds resonable historical data only with websockets. I just have one small issue. Here is my code:

from import MarketClient
from import CandlestickInterval
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame as df

Dataframe = df(columns = ["Date", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"])

def callback(candlestick_req: "CandlestickReq"):
    Candles = candlestick_req
    Dataframe["Date"] = [[f].id for f in range(len(]
    Dataframe["Open"] = [[f].open for f in range(len(]
    Dataframe["High"] = [[f].high for f in range(len(]
    Dataframe["Low"] = [[f].low for f in range(len(]
    Dataframe["Close"] = [[f].close for f in range(len(]
    Dataframe["Volume"] = [[f].vol for f in range(len(]

Market_client = MarketClient()
Market_client.req_candlestick("btcusdt", CandlestickInterval.MIN60, callback, from_ts_second = 1609526859, end_ts_second = 1610736459)

How can I return the new Dataframe that has all the data from inside the callback function so I can use it outside of the defined function? Simple return doesn't work as I'm not calling the callback function, it's only used in the market_client.req_candlestick. Thanks!

Kalindro commented 3 years ago is an answer to my question