As a tree tag user, I want to know if an opc tag is saved in historian or not.
At the moment we got those :
/datasources/{datasourceId}/tags => return all tags for this datasource (tags from opc server)
/datasources/tags => return all tags from all datasource (tags from opc servers)
/tags => return all tags saved in historian
/tags/id => return specified tag saved in historian
So it would be nice to have instead (for example) :
/opc/datasources/{datasourceId}/tags => return all tags for this datasource (tags from opc server)
/opc/tags => return all tags from all datasource (tags from opc servers)
/datasources/{datasourceId}/tags => return all tags for this datasource (tags from historian)
/tags => return all tags saved in historian
/tags/id => return specified tag saved in historian
We could event simplify the tre tag life with a specific end point :
/opc/datasources/{datasourceId}/tagsFull => return all tags from datasource with information about tag in opc server AND historian if it exist, optionnaly a boolean to tell if it is saved in historian.
This way tree tag could have the information it needs when requesting tags.
But this endpoint could become useless once we implement lazy loaded tree tag. We would then need to have merged tags but filtering on some properties like domain, host...
For example :
/opc/tags?domain=X&host=Y&datasources=[list of ids] => would return all tags from the list of datasources with corresponding domain and host.
Well we should debate about that, meanwhile I can use current api to achieve not production ready tree :).
As a tree tag user, I want to know if an opc tag is saved in historian or not. At the moment we got those :
So it would be nice to have instead (for example) :
We could event simplify the tre tag life with a specific end point :
For example :
Well we should debate about that, meanwhile I can use current api to achieve not production ready tree :).
1. 1. 1.