Hurence / logisland

Scalable stream processing platform for advanced realtime analytics on top of Kafka and Spark. LogIsland also supports MQTT and Kafka Streams (Flink being in the roadmap). The platform does complex event processing and is suitable for time series analysis. A large set of valuable ready to use processors, data sources and sinks are available.
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Support for structured stream checkpointing on azure filesystem #587

Open mathieu-rossignol opened 3 years ago

mathieu-rossignol commented 3 years ago

Also used to store the current kafka offset while writing to the structured stream sink

mathieu-rossignol commented 3 years ago

Created branch feature/LOGISLAND-587-Support-for-structured-stream-checkpointing-on-azure-filesystem to implement this feature.

mathieu-rossignol commented 3 years ago

Usage with currently commited code in the branch:

In StructuredStream configuration, put something like (replace \<blabla> with relevant strings):

spark.base.checkpoint.path: wasbs://<myContainer>@<myStorageAccount>

Then in KafkaStreamProcessingEngine global configuration, set for instance the matching account key using a custom spark configuration key like:<myStorageAccount> +H5IuOtsebY7fO6QyyntmlRLe3G8Rv0jcye6kzE2Wz4NrU3IdB4Q8ocJY2ScY9cQrJNXxUg2WbYJPndMuQWUCQ==

Generic custom spark configuration keys are introduced in this branch and allow to call sparkConfig.set("xxx.yyy.zzz","someValue") using dynamic property of KafkaStreamProcessingEngine with the form: someValue

See this page for examples on the custom* configuration keys (account key, sas key...)


Currently identified problem is that although needed azure clients libs azure-storage-2.0.0.jar and hadoop-azure-2.7.0.jar are well packaged in the spark 2 engine fat jar as well as references to the needed hadoop FileSystem implementation classes in the META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem (,$Secure), the implementation classes are not found. It seems that the classpath defined by puts spark libs before logisland ones and once META-INF/services/org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem delivered in a jar of the used spark installation (SPARK_HOME) is found, dynamic loading (ServiceLoader) system uses it and cannot find our packaged implementation of azure filesystem which results in a No FileSystem for scheme: wasbs exception.

The current workaround I found is to put in every jars dir of the spark cluster executor nodes the needed jars (azure-storage-2.0.0.jar and hadoop-azure-2.7.0.jar). I will try to see if I can tweak to change the classpath or find another solution...

mathieu-rossignol commented 3 years ago

merged in release/1.4.0, but requires the workaround