HuskyDG / magic_overlayfs

Make system partition become read-write (it is also possible without Magisk)
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How to copy to overlayFS using adb shell? #73

Open Uzver123 opened 1 month ago

Uzver123 commented 1 month ago

Using ADB shell command to write directly to location gives error even after overlayFS is installed:

mv: /vendor/etc/camera/camxoverridesettings.txt: Read-only file system

I found this answer suggesting need to write to location where overlayFS is mounted instead /tmp/overlay/, but on android this path is not existing, what's the path where overlayFS is mounted so i can use command line to move files to read only partitions?

link-fgfgui commented 4 weeks ago

same problem

Uzver123 commented 3 weeks ago

I found command mount in android terminal shows list of all mounts, got to figure out which mount corresponds to what partition though because too many.

You can run

adb shell

one of the records

overlay on /vendor/etc type overlay (ro,seclabel,relatime,lowerdir=/vendor,upperdir=/dev/mount_overlayfs/upper/vendor,workdir=/dev/mount_overlayfs/worker/64521/2)

lowerdir=/vendor upperdir=/dev/mount_overlayfs/upper/vendor workdir=/dev/mount_overlayfs/worker/64521/2

ls: /dev/mount_overlayfs/: No such file or directory