HuskyLens / HUSKYLENSArduino

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Arduino IDE says downloaded zip file does not contain a valid library #3

Open jstanle1 opened 4 years ago

jstanle1 commented 4 years ago

I downloaded the HUSKYLENSArduino-master library as a zip file. When I tried to include it in a sketch, the IDE said the zip file did not contain a valid library. I'm not clear on why this is.

I was able to extract the library files from the zip and just put the HUSKYLENS directory directly into my Arduino/libraries directory to get a workable library, but fixing this may make it easier for other developers to use the library.

K5BBoing commented 2 years ago

I have had the same issue with no luck from anywhere sorting it out...baffling

Robert-Proaps commented 2 years ago

The folder formatting is incorrect for using the "add .zip library" function. To add the library first extract the downloaded zip in your downloads folder, then go through the folders till you reach a folder named "HUSKYLENS" this folder should contain a folder named examples, HUSKYLENS.h, as well as other files. Copy this folder named HUSKYLENS to your library directory. The arduino library directory can be found in your documents/arduino/libraries.