HuskyLens / HUSKYLENSArduino

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HUSKYLENs Library #8

Open itswally1 opened 3 years ago

itswally1 commented 3 years ago

The library currently(4/4/21) does not work. I am not sure of the problem but I have added it to the Arduino library file folder and the examples do not show in the Arduino pull down. Also if you go to the examples folder and load the sketch the HUSKYLENS.h will not load.

Also using the SoftwareSerial.h file is sketchy to use in my opinion is problematic. Has someone corrupted your files because they do not work for Arduino.

Please let me know because I am excited to start using your Husky board.

Regards, Don

Robert-Proaps commented 2 years ago

I believe I have fixed one of the compilation errors, and I agree that building the entire library around Software Serial is sketchy. However its so engrained in the library that I think we are stuck with it for now. Its especially terrible since we cant use husky lens with a board like the arduino due.

sonofcy commented 1 year ago

The library doesn't install as is using the IDE, but the fix is simple, just move the library code (NOT examples) up one folder level.