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期望增加来必力、畅言评论的公共代码 #258

Open ImmerTry opened 6 years ago

ImmerTry commented 6 years ago


yizibi commented 6 years ago


Disqus必须完全VPN才可以,并且时不时就不行了,国内的一个大佬,利用PHP转发了国内的请求,难度较大,需要部署服务,设置Disqus管理台什么的,你可以看下: 去了解


nqmysb commented 5 years ago

来必力 访问加载速度不快 我的博客用了来必力 但是加载滞后

VincentTam commented 5 years ago

Hi, this is the maintainer of @staticmanlab, a public GitLab instance of Staicman. Disqus has a plethora of shortcomings that deter many bloggers, say

  1. privacy issues
  2. slow load speed
  3. no markdown support
  4. poor SEO
  5. high cost of migration

You may refer to these articles to know more.



Gitalk requires GitHub login before the commentor can actually give a feedback. That can deter many non programmers.

You may avoid these problems by switching to static comments powered by Staticman, which makes use of GitHub/GitLab Pull/Merge Requests. Under Staticman's model, static comments are YML/JSON files stored in the remote GitHub/GitLab repo (usually under data/comments, configurable through the path parameter in root-level staticman.yml), and through a static blog generator (Jekyll/Hugo/etc), the stored data are rendered as part of the content. This gives a total ownership of a static site's comments.

For working examples of Staticman, you may see

  1. a popular Jekyll theme called Beautiful Jekyll, which has incorporated my port of Minimal Mistake's Staticman integration.
  2. Source: a personal Jekyll blog with Markdown support and preview.
  3. my personal blog Source powered by my tweaked Beautiful Hugo, with nested comments and comments preview.
  4. a group of my Staticman demo sites on Framagit.

:information_source: There're many ways to Rome, say JAM stack, Netlify comments, etc.