HuyaneMatsu / Koishi

The bot who borrows your fishing rods and eats your shrimp fry.
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Add ability to move diagonally in /ds #34

Closed WizzyGeek closed 2 years ago

WizzyGeek commented 2 years ago

Instead of having 4 blank padding buttons in /ds, make it so that these buttons allow you to move diagonally diagonal movement however is considered to be two steps, a diagonal is only enabled if at least one path can move you diagonally.

If there are two paths and there is a box, then is some cases the diagonal movement is disabled Example: up+right cell has a box which can move bot up and right The moves to get to up+right cell are right+up and up+right, in such a case the box ends up at two different locations and hence the move is disabled.

However, if the box could only move right or only up, then the up+right move would be allowed

similarly, if in active state and using the ability allows you to move to desired diagonal cell, then ability is used up and character is moved diagonally.

HuyaneMatsu commented 2 years ago

Added, will be alive when I next update Koishi on host 🚀