HuyaneMatsu / Koishi

The bot who borrows your fishing rods and eats your shrimp fry.
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Favorite media ranking idea #39

Closed UnconsciousPebble closed 1 year ago

UnconsciousPebble commented 2 years ago

My idea is: Allow users to select channels where media would automatically get a thumbup and thumbdown emoji that users can react with, when a message got a certain number of upvotes (ideally toggeleable), it would be copied to a dedicated channel "popular media". Maybe run it once a day or so rarer to check for new high reaction images. After a certain number of downvotes a media could be automatically deleted, allowing a partial community moderation without involving mods.

HuyaneMatsu commented 2 years ago

I am not sure how used this feature would be. People do not really react in feed channels, where this feature would be applied in.