HvB / UsbGps4Droid

Usb GPS for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 27 forks source link

Possible to start the service from tasker/shell command? #12

Open SteUK opened 7 years ago

SteUK commented 7 years ago


Awesome app.!

I am wanting to start the service automatically either from tasker or a script (am startservice or similar). Can you offer any advice on achieving this?


freshollie commented 7 years ago

am startservice -a org.broeuschmeul.android.gps.usb.provider.nmea.intent.action.START_GPS_PROVIDER

Will do the job. Checkout my fork for more info.

WigHlod commented 3 years ago

This command seem not work on Android 2.1 but i'm still looking for it