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PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code
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Ensure the parser runs properly on major PHP frameworks/libraries #148

Open nevadascout opened 7 years ago

nevadascout commented 7 years ago

Frameworks (✓ means parsing successfully)


nevadascout commented 7 years ago

These frameworks all need retesting once the issues marked against them are resolved.

Update: re-ran, only Yii 1 is now failing to parse (due to memory leak)

nevadascout commented 7 years ago

Deferring to 0.2.2 release

Novynn commented 7 years ago

Could we also add Zend Framework 1 to the list? 1.12.20 is the latest. Still failing to finishing parsing with it included as of Crane v0.2.1.

EDIT: Re-ran the parser after it froze up and it worked!

nevadascout commented 7 years ago

I've added Zend Framework 1, thanks for the suggestion!

mpotoc commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to make Phalcon also work? I tried and tried with Phalcon stubs to get them working, but no luck so far. Am i wrong or not possible to do that yet?

ichiriac commented 7 years ago

@mpotoc you mean you would like to parse files like these one : https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/blob/master/phalcon/acl.zep ?

mpotoc commented 7 years ago

@ichiriac yes something like that, i am using phpstorm (university license until mid 2017) and in there you can add external libraries like Phalcon Dev Tools, which have stubs folder under IDE folder and you can link this in phpstorm to get full Phalcon namespace, etc. intellisense. Is something like this possible in VS Code with your extension, or will be anytime soon? Still have 8 month to decide stay on Storm and buy it or start using something else.


nevadascout commented 7 years ago

@mpotoc Yes, we are planning to add a feature that lets you get intellisense for libraries that are outside the workspace folder. This change will also let you define filetypes other than .php that the parser should parse.

mpotoc commented 7 years ago

@ichiriac perfect, will look for updates of your extension. Thanks a lot for the answer.

kiatng commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to add Magento 1.9.x and 2.x to the list? For Magento 1.9.x, it stops at 66 of 9748 / 0.7%

ichiriac commented 7 years ago

@kiatng they are now in the php-parser token tests en ensure their parsing (bugfixing in progress)

scottsb commented 7 years ago

@ichiriac would that apply to Magento 2 as well, do you think? It also locks up having partially indexed.

ichiriac commented 7 years ago

@scottsb already done, here the list of projects already passing : https://github.com/glayzzle/php-parser-dev/tree/master/test/token

codewp commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to adding Wordpress to this list? Indexing stuck at 48%

ichiriac commented 7 years ago

hi @codewp, it's done & tests passes with the latest version - now we need to release crane in order to fix all these bugs

nevadascout commented 7 years ago

As of Crane 0.3.0, all major libraries in this list now parse without any errors