HvyIndustries / crane

PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code
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Please remove the <?php opening tag suggestion #364

Open adergaard opened 6 years ago

adergaard commented 6 years ago

Maybe it's me doing something wrong but for everything I write in VSCode, I get a <?php intellisense box hanging, preventing me from pressing "Enter" as that invokes it. It's driving me back towards Sublime in a hurry.

Like I said, I'm quite aware that I may be doing something wrong to make this happen all the time for me, but please do enlighten me of the error in my ways, if that is the case.


EDIT This is on MacOS, both Sierra and now HighSierra, also on Linux (Debian Stretch with Cinnamon as DE, if that is relevant). Both running the latest update of VSCode as well as the PHP Intellisense Plugin.

nevadascout commented 6 years ago

Can you show us a screen recording of the issue?