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PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code
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autocomplete suggestions order #371

Open MartinP7r opened 6 years ago

MartinP7r commented 6 years ago

Not sure if this is something to report here, but I'd prefer to see the class property suggestions on top, before all other suggestions.
Since I'm still using php.suggest.basic in order to see things like array_push getting suggested, writing $this-> does not show properties of the current class immediately without typing further.
is there a setting to change the order?

nevadascout commented 6 years ago

The order of suggestions is defined by VS Code itself and last time I checked there isn't a way to re-order them (I really wish there was).

I've had the same frustration myself, but sadly I don't think I can fix it (yet)

MartinP7r commented 6 years ago

😢 that's too bad. Thank you for looking into it!

Kcko commented 6 years ago

@cyrus86 you will solve it when you set php.suggest.basic=false $this-> in object the methods and parameters are shown first in order.

see: screenshot

MartinP7r commented 6 years ago

@Kcko please read the question completely before answering. I mentioned php.suggest.basic and why I prefer having it enabled.

Kcko commented 6 years ago

@cyrus86 no offense pls,

see: https://goo.gl/5y2whk (native methods are first when im trying to find some array php native functions)

see: https://goo.gl/REqGBz correct suggestions for object methods

with plugin from ben mawburn and directive php.suggest.basic=false (its recommended from author each php intelisense extension).

Or make as you think...

suggestion from @nevadascout is little buggy (i reported some things in previous issuses), but i believe that he will put it together :-)