HvyIndustries / crane

PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code
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Specify Custom Autoloader #381

Open sebastianKline opened 6 years ago

sebastianKline commented 6 years ago

Great extension! It brings me so much joy that I can boot up VSCode and have PHP autocomplete, and so much more! In my journey to the best extensions for PHP development in VSCode I have spent a lot of time analyzing the features of PHP Storm and what makes it an effective PHP IDE. Albeit, VSCode is not an IDE (yet).

A feature I feel would contribute hugely to Crane's value prop would be the ability to specify custom autoloader files. Not sure as to the intricacies of that, but I thought I would throw that out here.

nevadascout commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Agreed! There are many features I want to add to Crane, but I'm currently lacking the time to build most of them properly. I'll add this to my list and when I get a chance I'll see what I can do. 😄

sebastianKline commented 6 years ago

@nevadascout Is there anything that I could do to help contribute?