HvyIndustries / crane

PHP Intellisense/code-completion for VS Code
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No suggestions, no go to method, etc. #388

Open oojacoboo opened 5 years ago

oojacoboo commented 5 years ago

Firstly, sorry for the horribly vague subject. But, nothing is working with this plugin. I looked in the console - no output. I checked to make sure indexing completed before testing.

Any way to debug and see what the issue is?

nevadascout commented 5 years ago

Currently, go-to-definition only works for class/trait/interface names. There are plans to extend this in future, but I have limited time to work on this project at the moment.

You should see suggestions for classes, etc and methods on classes when using $this->

It's quite difficult to help without being able to see what's going on; are you able to create a small screen recording showing the issues you've having?