GTA5를 이용해 자율주행 자동차를 학습 시키는 프로젝트
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Plan to take classes
7 years ago
7 years ago
Self Driving With GTA5
~ 10.21
[x] Reading game frames in Python with OpenCV - Python Plays GTA V
[x] OpenCV basics - Python Plays GTA V
[x] Direct Input to Game - Python Plays GTA V
[x] Region of Interest for finding lanes - Python Plays GTA V
[x] Hough Lines - Python Plays GTA V
[x] Finding Lanes for our self driving car - Python Plays GTA V
[x] Self Driving Car - Python Plays GTA V
모두를 위한 ML/DL
시즌 DL - Deep Learning
~ 10.28
[x] Summary & Concept/Terms
[x] Linear Regression
[x] Minimize Cost Function Of Linear Regression
[x] Linear Regression For Multiple Features
[x] Logistic (Regression) Classification
~ 11.04
[x] Softmax Regression (Multinomial Logistic Regression)
[x] Actual Use Of Machine Learning And Several Tips
[x] Basic Concepts Of Deep Learning & Problems/Solutions
[x] XOR Problem And Learning Method & Back-Propagation
[x] ReLU And Determine The Initial Values
~ 11.11
[x] Convolutional Neural Networks
[x] Recurrent Neural Network
시즌 RL - Deep Reinforcement Learning
~ 11.18
[ ] ~Lecture 1: Summary~
[ ] ~Lecture 2: Open-AI GYM~
[ ] ~Lecture 3: Dummy Q-learning (table)~
[ ] ~Lecture 4: Q-learning exploit&exploration and discounted reward~
~ 11.25
[ ] ~Lecture 5: Q-learning in non-deterministic world~
[ ] ~Lecture 6: Q-Network~
[ ] ~Lecture 7: DQN(Deep Q Network)~
강화학습 강의는 프로젝트에도 쓰이지 않을 것 같아 나중에 개인적으로 들어볼 예정입니다
~사실은 여행가서 노느라...~
Self Driving With GTA5 & ML
~ 11.25
[ ] Next steps for Deep Learning self driving car - Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Training data for self driving car neural network- Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Balancing neural network training data- Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Training Self-Driving Car neural network- Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Testing self-driving car neural network- Python Plays GTA V
~ 12.02
[ ] A more interesting self-driving AI - Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Object detection with Tensorflow - Self Driving Cars in GTA
[ ] Determining other vehicle distances and collision warning - Self Driving Cars in GTA
[ ] Getting the Agent a Vehicle- Python Plays GTA V
[ ] Acquiring a Vehicle for the Agent - Python Plays GTA V
Self Driving With GTA5
~ 10.21
모두를 위한 ML/DL
시즌 DL - Deep Learning
~ 10.28
~ 11.04
~ 11.11
시즌 RL - Deep Reinforcement Learning
~ 11.18
~ 11.25
강화학습 강의는 프로젝트에도 쓰이지 않을 것 같아 나중에 개인적으로 들어볼 예정입니다 ~사실은 여행가서 노느라...~
Self Driving With GTA5 & ML
~ 11.25
~ 12.02