HydeInit / Mixer-Desktop

cross-platform desktop application for Mixer.com
MIT License
5 stars 15 forks source link

up-for-grabs #5

Open ColinMoulds opened 6 years ago

ColinMoulds commented 6 years ago


We are looking for developers to help develop this project to present to the official team at mixer. Please submit some ideas in the issues section or some PRs to get this project going. If you are interested, you can become a collaborator on the project.


white-hat-vaibhs commented 4 years ago

You should go for AJAX for successful loads but if you are good at asp.NET go for it and also learn a bit of crypto to store password.

THE-VR7 commented 4 years ago

Hello. I am new and would love to contribute. I would like to fix this issue, if no one is already on it.

ColinMoulds commented 4 years ago

Hello. I am new and would love to contribute. I would like to fix this issue, if no one is already on it.

Welcome, by all means, submit away, I'll test and assess each piece of code.

Pooja269 commented 3 years ago

I would like to contribute as a developer but just want to know from where I can start?

Aladdin4u commented 2 years ago

Hello. I new and would love to contribute to this project

vipinnation commented 6 months ago

I love to work with you