HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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change { ?o ?p <s>. } to { ?s ?p <e>. } or { ?s ?p <r>. } #105

Closed elf-pavlik closed 8 years ago

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

Reading this section of Linked Data Fragments spec

The selector takes a single entity (subject) as argument, and matches triples that are related to this entity. The precise functional definition of the selector is implementation-specific, but it usually contains those triples that match the triple pattern { <s> ?p ?o. } and possibly triples matching { ?o ?p <s>. }, with <s> the chosen entity argument.

I understand that we want to select all triples which have given entity/resource as subject or object. Maybe alternatives I suggest below would use ?s ?p ?o in more consistent way? In above the entity appears on object position and selector uses ?o for subject, which I find a bit confusing.

"The precise functional definition of the selector is implementation-specific, but it usually contains those triples that match the triple pattern { <e> ?p ?o. } and possibly triples matching { ?s ?p <e>. }, with <e> the chosen entity argument."

While s suggests subject, e would stand for entity or possibly r could stand for resource

"The precise functional definition of the selector is implementation-specific, but it usually contains those triples that match the triple pattern { <r> ?p ?o. } and possibly triples matching { ?s ?p <r>. }, with <r> the chosen entity argument."

akuckartz commented 8 years ago

:+1: Good catch

RubenVerborgh commented 8 years ago

I actually used <s> on purpose to mean the subject of the page, but I don't really mind either way. Maybe we could just call it <entity> then to avoid cryptic abbreviations.

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

:+1: <entity> and leaving subject for the subject of a triple

"The selector takes a single entity (primary topic of a document) as argument, and matches triples that are related to this entity. The precise functional definition of the selector is implementation-specific, but it usually contains those triples that match the triple pattern { <entity> ?p ?o. } and possibly triples matching { ?s ?p <entity>. }, with <enity> the chosen entity argument.

Not sure if worth mentioning any of those:

lanthaler commented 8 years ago

+1 to entity