HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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Added hydra:memberTemplate #158

Closed alien-mcl closed 3 years ago

alien-mcl commented 6 years ago

This pull request adds a hydra:memberTemplate discussed in #16 predicate to the vocabulary with a piece of documentation to the spec.

This change is Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 46 at r1 (raw file):

    "next": { "@id": "hydra:next", "@type": "@id" },
    "previous": { "@id": "hydra:previous", "@type": "@id" },
    "memberTemplate": { "@id": "hydra:memberTemplate", "@type": "@id" },

This can be simplified to just "hydra:memberTemplate". Pointing it to a URL would be really confusing.

spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 394 at r1 (raw file):

"An IRI template of a collection's member."

Nit: Something like "A IRI template to directly access collection members." might be slightly clearer

Comments from Reviewable

alien-mcl commented 6 years ago

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 46 at r1 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
This can be simplified to just `"hydra:memberTemplate"`. Pointing it to a URL would be really confusing.


spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 394 at r1 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> "An IRI template of a collection's member." Nit: Something like "A IRI template to directly access collection members." might be slightly clearer


Comments from Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 13 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 392 at r2 (raw file):


This should be a hydra:TemplatedLink

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 861 at r2 (raw file):

    <h3>Collection members' link template</h3>

member's -> member

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 863 at r2 (raw file):

    <h3>Collection members' link template</h3>

  <p>In some circumstances it is useful to give a direct access to collection's

to collection's -> to a collection's

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 864 at r2 (raw file):

  <p>In some circumstances it is useful to give a direct access to collection's
    members by providing an instruction on how to construct an URL by the client.

by the client -> to the client

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 865 at r2 (raw file):

This URL then can be used either to obtain member's details or to update it, i.e. as a result of some batch processing.

--> This URL may then be used to either retrieve a member's details or to update it.

I would drop the "i.e. as a result of some batch processing" as I find it confusing and it doesn't add much.

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 867 at r2 (raw file):

Hydra introduces memberTemplate link that directly binds an owning

Hydra provides the memberTemplate property to describe the URL structure of collection members with an IriTemplate.

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 871 at r2 (raw file):

  <pre class="example nohighlight" data-transform="updateExample"
         title="Collection with a direct access to it's members via an IRI template member link.">

it's --> its

I would also drop the "member link." at the end (including the dot as elsewhere).

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 879 at r2 (raw file):

        "totalItems": "329",
        "member": [
          ####... a subset of the members of the Collection ...####

If it is a subset it needs to be a partial collection. I'd just update the comment and keep it a Collection

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 883 at r2 (raw file):


Please use http://api.example.com/users/{userName} to be consistent with the other examples

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 888 at r2 (raw file):

          "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
          "variable": "userName",
          "property": "http://vocab.example.com/userName",

http://vocab.example.com/userName --> http://api.example.com/vocab#userName

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 894 at r2 (raw file):

          "@type": "Operation",
          "method": "PUT",
          "expects": "http://vocab.example.com/User"

--> http://api.example.com/vocab#User

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 896 at r2 (raw file):

          "expects": "http://vocab.example.com/User"

Please indent using spaces as the rest of the document instead of tabs

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 904 at r2 (raw file):

the API exposes a direct access to the collection of
users by providing an IRI template that expects a user name property making
it a fully functional link. There is also an operation declared that enables
client to update a given user with an HTTP <i>PUT</i> method.

the API describes how to directly access a member of the /users collection through an IRI Template requiring the user name. There is also an operation that tells a client that it can use HTTP PUT on those resources.

Comments from Reviewable

alien-mcl commented 6 years ago

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 13 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/core.jsonld, line 392 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> rdf:Property This should be a `hydra:TemplatedLink`


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 861 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
member's -> member


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 863 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
to collection's -> to a collection's


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 864 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
by the client -> to the client


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 865 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> This URL then can be used either to obtain member's details or to update it, i.e. as a result of some batch processing. --> This URL may then be used to either retrieve a member's details or to update it. I would drop the "i.e. as a result of some batch processing" as I find it confusing and it doesn't add much.


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 867 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> Hydra introduces memberTemplate link that directly binds an owning Hydra provides the memberTemplate property to describe the URL structure of collection members with an IriTemplate.


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 871 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
it's --> its I would also drop the "member link." at the end (including the dot as elsewhere).


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 879 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
If it is a subset it needs to be a partial collection. I'd just update the comment and keep it a Collection


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 883 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> `http://api.example/com/users{?userName}` Please use `http://api.example.com/users/{userName}` to be consistent with the other examples


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 888 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
`http://vocab.example.com/userName` --> `http://api.example.com/vocab#userName`


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 894 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
--> `http://api.example.com/vocab#User`


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 896 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
Please indent using spaces as the rest of the document instead of tabs


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 904 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
> the API exposes a direct access to the collection of > users by providing an IRI template that expects a user name property making > it a fully functional link. There is also an operation declared that enables > client to update a given user with an HTTP PUT method. the API describes how to directly access a member of the /users collection through an IRI Template requiring the user name. There is also an operation that tells a client that it can use HTTP PUT on those resources.


Comments from Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

:lgtm: thanks! I will merge this right after you applied the two remaining changes

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 867 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, alien-mcl (Karol Szczepański) wrote…

The "the" before memberTemplate is missing

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 896 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, alien-mcl (Karol Szczepański) wrote…

There are still tabs left both below and above

Comments from Reviewable

tpluscode commented 6 years ago

Hm, I'd actually hold this one off if we're possibly going to actually merge #154 (Actions with explicit target) , which would make memberTemplate unnecessary

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

Comments from Reviewable

alien-mcl commented 6 years ago

Despite taking actions into the spec or not, I think we'll still need something that strengthens connection between the collection and the template so it is not a mere generic action.

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

Comments from Reviewable

tpluscode commented 6 years ago

Isn't that where the action's type comes in? As proposed, schema:DiscoverAction could be a good existing fit. If not we could expand the actions and not keep adding more and more predicates

Review status: 0 of 2 files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

Comments from Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

Hm, I'd actually hold this one off if we're possibly going to actually merge #154 (Actions with explicit target)

Good point

Reviewed 2 of 2 files at r3. Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

Comments from Reviewable

alien-mcl commented 6 years ago

Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, 2 unresolved discussions.

spec/latest/core/index.html, line 867 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
The "the" before memberTemplate is missing


spec/latest/core/index.html, line 896 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, lanthaler (Markus Lanthaler) wrote…
There are still tabs left both below and above

Ehh, IDEs. Maybe we should introduce .editorconfig file? Done

Comments from Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

Reviewed 1 of 1 files at r4. Review status: all files reviewed at latest revision, all discussions resolved.

Comments from Reviewable

lanthaler commented 6 years ago

Thanks Karol. This would be ready to merge, but we agreed to hold off till we resolved #154.

Review status: :shipit: all files reviewed at latest revision, all discussions resolved, all commit checks successful.

Comments from Reviewable

alien-mcl commented 3 years ago

This feature has never made it to the spec.