HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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Define client-initiated pagination #184

Closed alien-mcl closed 5 years ago

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

This is a derivative of a PR #182 that covers #102 :

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

I remember how we were discussing this. skip/take is but just one possibility. The other common would be explicit page number.

I think we can address both by extending the IRI Template description. I'll continue on #102

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

I've decided on using skip/take (alternatives are offset/limit) as more generic than pageIndex/itemsPerPage. The latter can be modeled with the former (you can recalculate), but not the opposite as the latter assumes that each page has same number of items - this assumptions is no more with offset/limit approach.

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

This approach also removes the issue of page identifiers - skip/take will always be a number of collection elements. The only thing I'm unhappy is the logic of the item - it can be either a single resource matching manages block, but in case it is not provided it could mean a single RDF statement.

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

I don't see how either is more "generic" than the other. What's more, in my experience pageIndex/itemsPerPage approach is more common in API design.

I think we should not be deciding for and against either. Rather, provide a flexible enough set of primitives so that any design in possible to be described with Hydra.

Such is what I started discussing on #102, to base reduce the entire feature to IRI Templates. That way collection design is just one of possible applications of a more generic feature.

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

I don't see how either is more "generic" than the other.

As I wrote, you can express pageIndex/itemsPerPage with offset/limit, but not the opposite (limit can change on each request).

What's more, in my experience pageIndex/itemsPerPage approach is more common in API design.

For desktop views, your right. But for mobiles, not really. In streaming-line approach you'd favor skip/take as usually there is only more button, so the only thing to do us to add previous take and skip values and you've got another skip for next request (you would even omit take part and leave it for server to decide).

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

As I wrote, you can express pageIndex/itemsPerPage with offset/limit, but not the opposite (limit can change on each request).

That is not the point. If I have an API which has collection URLs in the form of /collection{?pageIndex,pageSize} there is nothing to express differently. Because whose responsibility it would be to translate one form to the other? The generic client's?

The design is what it is and we must allow to describe both and possible any other, even if it's going to be specific to the given API (if it should use custom descriptions).

For desktop views, your right. But for mobiles, not really.

We should not discuss desktop vs mobile. We are designing a generic API Description vocabulary. If it favours one solution (skip/take) over another (page index/page size) then we have failed.

In streaming-line approach you'd favor skip/take as usually there is only more button [...]

This argument is moot as such "streaming" it's already easier done by following the next link. This PR will not change it.

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

I've added another predicate for identifying a specific page. I've removed the range as the page identifier could be virtually anything (from number as in indexed pages to GUID). I assumed that hydra:take will work as the page size. I was thinking about changing it to something more generic, i.e. hydra:limit - works better for both approaches.

angelo-v commented 5 years ago

I've added another predicate for identifying a specific page.

hydra:page still sounds, as if it links to some kind of page resource.

How about hydra:pageReference?

Or at least clarify the comment: "A server-known reference to a specific page to provide."

But again: Since it is a server-known reference, how can the paging be client-initiated? This actually only makes sense, if the client can assume that it is a page number it can simply increment. UUIDs etc. won't work out, because the client cannot know what to put in there.

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

This actually only makes sense, if the client can assume that it is a page number it can simply increment. UUIDs etc. won't work out, because the client cannot know what to put in there.

Hence my comments above and under #102. It is more important to ensure that the server can instruct the client what are the allowed value for the pageReference. In natural language those could be

To get this right we should also first ensure that we have a solid and share understanding for how the templates are supposed to be used. Please compare to #152

angelo-v commented 5 years ago

To get this right we should also first ensure that we have a solid and share understanding for how the templates are supposed to be used.

Since this is more complicated, I propose to only merge the skip/take approach for now (which adds at least some value for APIs using that approach) and work further on alternatives afterwards.

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

Since it is a server-known reference, how can the paging be client-initiated?

Good point - skip/take approach is free of that issue as it relies only on number of items within the set (which will be always a natural number).

anything else (requiring custom client code, which is fine)

This is related to #82 . We could allow to provide an explicit list of allowed literals or a link to the endpoint that would provide those.

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

Good point - skip/take approach is free of that issue as it relies only on number of items within the set (which will be always a natural number).

This is irrelevant. Like I said, not every API will want to follow the skip/take design and I'm pretty sure that it's a less common approach in practice outside of implementations close to a query language, like OData. I find it harmful that Hydra should inadvertently favour one possible approach over another.

This statement is also inaccurate. Just like with pageReference or any other alternative, it's not nearly enough to just tell the client

these are the skip and take variables, deal with them

The server will most likely still impose restrictions, such as Page size cannot be greater then 50.

If we take a step back and look at ways to extend the vocab around templates, we will be able to represent any design

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

My proposal is:

This way we'll cover 99% of paging use cases (pageIndex/limit fits not too bad, offset/limit fits well) and we're still enabled for future custom usages including GUID or letter indices. The latter will require some more concept i.e. variable constraints, allowed literals/individuals, etc.

alien-mcl commented 5 years ago

Is it OK to merge this one? Are there any objection against this solution?

angelo-v commented 5 years ago

Is it OK to merge this one? Are there any objection against this solution?

I am fine with it.

tpluscode commented 5 years ago

Yup, do it.

angelo-v commented 5 years ago

@alien-mcl There is a problem with the rendering of html page:

hydra:pageIndex Instructs to provide a specific page of the collection at a given index.

Range: undefined

Subproperty of: [object Object]

Status: testing


tpluscode commented 5 years ago

@alien-mcl please turn @angelo-v's comment into a new issue