HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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Use rfc7807bis JSON-LD Context #224

Open asbjornu opened 3 years ago

asbjornu commented 3 years ago

Work has begun updating RFC 7807 with rfc7807bis. With the opportunity this gives, I've suggested in ietf-wg-httpapi/rfc7807bis#10 to create an official JSON-LD context for application/problem+json. If that is implemented, we should consider replacing Hydra's JSON-LD Context for problem+json defined in #178 with the one defined by rfc7807bis.

alien-mcl commented 3 years ago

Once it is there we could use it. We'll see how it will end, but I believe the status is the only missing piece.

asbjornu commented 3 years ago

Public accessible hosting of the problem-context.jsonld would be nice too, no?

alien-mcl commented 3 years ago

I can see three solutions here, all fine to me:

tpluscode commented 3 years ago

Public accessible hosting of the problem-context.jsonld would be nice too, no?

We should have the context dereferancable directly from hydra too.

asbjornu commented 3 years ago

We should have the context dereferancable directly from hydra too.

Even though no terms within it are defined by Hydra? Why can't we refer to rfc7808bis' location?

tpluscode commented 3 years ago

We can, when it arrives but I don't expect that too soon