HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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Future plans? #250

Open hyprdia opened 3 weeks ago

hyprdia commented 3 weeks ago

The spec repository has been inactive for almost/more than two years. It begs the question: will this ever see the light of day? Or, is there even an intention to bring it there or all plans have been dropped? Just curious as I am approaching the moment where I will need to make a final decision on using this spec or not (forking it might also be an option depending on the intentions here...). Any thoughts? Insights?

There is three pending pull requests, I was also interested to know what are the plans regarding Actions with explicit target, if applicable...

Thank you!

tpluscode commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for reaching out.

There have been many idea for going forward but eventually personal reasons and difficulties in reaching an agreement over numerous issues caused progress to stall. At least that's how I see it.

That said, hydra has always been a go-to API tool for me personally and the company I work with alike. I would totally like to see this become active again, maybe in the form of a living spec.

Another problem I think has been haunting us was the lack of practical drivers. Many ideas were quite theoretical and seemed to me not rooted enough in real life issues and solutions.

At this point a fork is something to consider too, if we would intend to sever the ties to W3C group. Not sure what others would think

elf-pavlik commented 3 weeks ago

FYI, the Solid CG is working with the W3C Team on PROPOSED Linked Web Storage Working Group Charter. All the experience in incubating and implementing the Hydra draft could be valuable input. It has been some time since I participated in the Hydra CG, but I would like to refresh my understanding of the current draft and look at how work incubated in the Hydra CG could contribute to the proposed Linked Web Storage WG. If someone is interested, I would also be happy to help organize a joined Solid CG & Hydra CG call.

hyprdia commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you all for your responses.

@elf-pavlik I looked at the links you shared and I don't see any mention of an hypermedia format being developed. Is there any plans to create an hypermedia media type as part of Solid/Linked Web Storage? That would be interesting.

@tpluscode I would also like to see this active again. I don't see any alternative JSON-LD hypermedia format and this one was quite close to completion. My bandwidth is quite limited but I would like to continue maintaining/improving this specification. There is the question of where to host the developments in the future, is it possible to just take over this repository or everything has to move somewhere else? I am not quite familiar with the W3C process, but if there is no intention to continue this, then I think the only option is to sever the ties to W3C group, unless we want to continue the work under their umbrella. I am basically open to any solution but I would prefer to keep the work on this in the open, under W3C or just in public repo. What do you mean by "living spec"?