HydraCG / Specifications

Specifications created by the Hydra W3C Community Group
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Some Points Regarding 'Linked Data Fragments' #53

Closed vanthome closed 10 years ago

vanthome commented 10 years ago

Hi, First off, great work! I really had something like this in mind with my recent work. The keyword for me was "data commons" -- L(o)D data sets that you can simply 'apificate' and pre-filter according to your needs.

The following points caught me while reading:

1.) On line 169 is a typo "Specific elector types" 2.) Metadata: Nice idea but shouldn't this be more formal, like using void:triples for the amount of triples 3.) Section 4.2: "The dataset's canonical URLs of each entity". What is meant by 'canonical URLs'?

Greets, Thomas

RubenVerborgh commented 10 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for reporting. 1. and 3. have been fixed in the above commits.

Regarding 2: Section 4 of the Linked Data Fragments specification is non-normative; it thus describes rather than specifies. You are referring to the metadata of Triple Pattern Fragments, which are informally described in Section 4.4 of the Linked Data Fragments specification, but specified in the Triple Pattern Fragments specification. In particular, the metadata has been specified with void:triples, as you suggest, in Section 3.3 of the Triple Pattern Fragments specification.

Does that resolve your issues?

vanthome commented 10 years ago

Yes, thanks