HydroBlockchain / community-brainstorming

A place for the Hydro Community to discuss ideas for the HCDP
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Opening hcdp issues to FundRequest #25

Open andreafno opened 5 years ago

andreafno commented 5 years ago

Hi, could be an idea integrating hdcp issues with FundRequest? I think this could boost development, and you can pay developers with HYDRO tokens if I understood well.

Happy Halloween

thelandoftheliving commented 5 years ago

Looks like a great idea!

andreafno commented 5 years ago

I talked with an admin, he confirmed that

If the token is erc20 then we’d only need to authorise it in our system.

Developers can be payed directly in HYDRO.

MasterSensei commented 5 years ago

Looks interesting. Do they take a commission?

andreafno commented 5 years ago

Answer by Tim Dierckxsens:

Hey Andrea, it is still free to use, we don’t take a commission. If they use the platform funded issues will be posted on FundRequest and on their GitHub repository. We push notifications signalling they have an active bounty and advise whether the bounty is I) clear and II) funded appropriately.

AnuragHydro commented 5 years ago

Personally, long-term I see Snowflake as providing a better solution for this (see #30)

andreafno commented 5 years ago

I agree for long-term, but opening the project to another platform (now) IMO could be a good way to reach more developers that doesn't know about Hydro yet.